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Top 5 Future Technology Inventions


Being able to think long term is essential to a functioning company. As the population continues to grow and evolve, more people are seeking opportunities beyond traditional industries like manufacturing and retail. We have seen this trend play out at work in recent years as well. It appears that many companies will continue to leverage technology to ensure their operations continue for generations to come. This list is made up of products from some of these future technologies and what they may mean for our businesses in the near-to-medium future.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of most important topics in society today. While AI can be used by almost any industry, it is especially useful in new areas such as cybersecurity, machine automation, medical diagnosis, facial recognition, voice control, etc. For example, self-driving cars are already being developed that use AI to be able to see and avoid pedestrians. These car systems are already capable of identifying obstacles before they appear, slowing down when a pedestrian is approaching, and even detecting the slightest sound of someone walking. Not only do we even get to drive in driverless vehicles, but our daily lives are greatly simplified and even times are saved. Although it has been around for just over a decade, AI is now becoming a much larger part of everyday life. According to Business Insider, there are more than 20 different types of artificial intelligence: “conversational interfaces” that can converse with customers on the phone by using simple human requests or commands like requesting information, booking tickets, offering suggestions, and more to help us manage our day, and natural language processing, which helps machines understand what you are saying in order to give you the exact answers you might need. But there is more…

In addition to helping us drive from point A to B without error, machines could also analyze data we put into them to better identify threats and improve the security of large networks. As machines become smarter about how we think and react to certain situations, we can expect other devices like drones to soon make decisions on their own too. With computers, robots, and even autonomous drones, the way we live will dramatically change. Robots have already started to perform tasks we can’t even imagine doing. From driving your car, taking care of housework or babysitting, cleaning your room, and even helping doctors diagnose conditions they may not be aware of. Just imagine a world where cars could automatically perform all your chores for you! Or if homes had robot maids.

The possibilities of the future look very exciting. Here is more on this topic from Forbes Magazine.

2. Selfie Cameras

There are several problems with personal privacy when it comes to smartphones. At first glance, this may seem strange, especially because one could argue that smartphones actually let us choose. Instead of showing people who they are or what they are doing in person, users are instead forced to reveal their identity on the outside world through camera roll or pictures. So how does this affect the internet? Since most social media platforms rely heavily on user photos being shown, an increase in cameras would likely lead to many distractions for Internet users. They could simply snap a selfie while they were out, leading them to miss out on seeing their friends’ faces, or worse yet, find themselves in awkward, embarrassing situations that nobody remembers from memory.

When it comes to getting people to stop having this problem, there is always going to be something new to try. Some solutions include biometric passports, which are made specifically for individual identification. Others include augmented reality glasses that could give people the ability to select an item in real time. There are also a range of smart glasses that could monitor your movement, such as Google Glasses, Apple Wipro, and others, which can track heart rate, heart rate variability, blood oxygen levels, and so much more. Companies like Intel, Uber, and Microsoft are working on ways to bring about an easier version of this solution, but for now, these are mostly limited to applications within specific industries.

3. Augmented Reality

Let’s face it; no matter what field of science fiction you turn to when you need a little extra magic on top of existing solutions, nothing can beat the AR world. Imagine bringing yourself to the streets of New York City, having three to four million dollars of futuristic tech that allows the city to transform right into a fully immersive place. How could you resist?

As opposed to its current application in virtual reality games, AR technology can be used in a multitude of places too, including digital signage, advertising campaigns, video content channels, consumer goods, and much more. Because the technology works in nearly every scenario, there is bound to be some sort of form that a system of this kind can take. Whether it will be just for fun by going surfing or a more serious issue for business purposes, we can’t really tell. Right now, however, this technology could possibly be used more for entertainment purposes. By putting a VR headset on top of your television screen and playing Pokemon GO on your phone, you give yourself a much better experience than most other gamers. Sure, AR could be used even on desktops and laptops, for instance, but the fact that such advanced equipment isn’t available everywhere means more consumers have to take advantage of the technology. What may not be surprising is that the technology currently being released might not be even close to being ready for widespread use in our homes.

4. Virtual Power Plants

Virtual power plants are an emerging concept in renewable energy. Virtual Power Plants are essentially farms that act as generators or turbines, producing electricity that humans can enjoy as normal citizens of Earth. Typically located on rooftops and buildings, they are designed to absorb sunlight and release water vapor back into space. When a plant is powered off and on by solar panels, it produces a steady stream of income for both the developer and the local community. One of the biggest projects to date has been the Greenhouse Project in San Francisco. An estimated $12 million was invested in creating an entirely new greenhouse farm that would provide clean power, eliminate pollution, and make sure everyone got enough fresh air to breathe, not just rich people. The idea behind this project is pretty simple… the goal of the greenhouse farm, according to founder Dan Hill, is to be able to produce enough power to keep the lights on in a small village. If one solar panels can generate up to 10kW of power, then what hope did anyone need to go elsewhere but home? Simply put, it was an innovative attempt to solve an issue in climate change. No doubt, this makes perfect sense. However, what is interesting about virtual power plants is that even though the amount of heat needed for the greenhouses is significantly less than what most humans need for a normal day, the total energy production still needs to increase by several hundred percent and there are still significant emissions involved. This is due to fossil fuels burning and releasing methane, carbon dioxide and other gases that don’t contribute towards saving the environment.

In the same way that solar panels are necessary for the advancement of our civilization, these plants require thousands of pounds of soil and hundreds of trees to create the huge crops. Nowadays, farming is incredibly labor intensive and has many benefits, but the reality of it is much different. Due to rapid technological changes, farmers can produce whatever crops they want. Farmers no longer need to worry about harvesting crops, which allows them the freedom to produce bigger yields, but the cost of growing crops grows exponentially each year. According to CNBC, if food prices quadrupled, it would make up for 80% of global GDP. This is because the average price of grain across America is approximately $15,000 while it is only 5% for grain grown in China. So the money required to feed a single family gets drastically cut and the next generation receives free meals from companies like Amazon, WalMart, McDonald’s, and other big corporations. Without access to such companies, how do families ever afford fruits and vegetables? Even though a lot of land around the world is used for developing the worlds’ natural resources, the fact remains that our planet is dying due to natural causes. Who can argue with a plant providing the food needed for a majority of the world’s population? Unfortunately, though, the possibility of virtual power plants exist and will only continue to be relevant as long as the price of oil continues to climb at an increasing rate.

5. Smart Cities and Urban Autonomous Vehicles

We are only two decades into the 21st century, but cities and urban areas are starting to realize the impact that technology has on urban living in general. For the past half century, the entire public sector has tried to develop efficient processes to combat the overwhelming amounts of traffic and negative impacts this makes on the quality of life in the public parks and public spaces of our country. This has led to countless attempts to make communities more accessible and safe by implementing various forms of transportation. Such as underground and surface mass transit, as well as ride sharing services and bicycles. Our modern cities are slowly moving away from the usage of cars and vans and into trains and buses and eventually, to electric and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Over the decades, there has been massive progress in the development of AVs. However, we might have missed the mark, because what we’ve really gotten is a glimpse of the full potential possibilities of AVs that could truly benefit the cities and citizens.

With the growth in technology, it is clear today that cities and other urban centers don’t need more roads, bridges, and tunnels. All that could be done is to make transportation accessible and safe. Currently, millions of tons of scrap metal, concrete, and steel and other wastes are left scattered in.

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