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Women's Rights are Human Rights: A Look at the Importance of International Human Rights

Your voice can make a difference in the lives of women and girls around the world. UN Women, an arm of the United Nations, has put together this awesome photo campaign to raise awareness on the topic of women’s rights as human rights in light of International Human Rights Day, which was December 10th last year. The people featured in these photos are everyday people just like you and me who were inspired to share their stories and show how women’s rights are human rights, no matter where they live or what they look like.


Learn about domestic violence

No one should have to live in fear of violence. Unfortunately, domestic violence is a reality for too many women around the world. Domestic violence can include physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse. It can happen to women of all ages, races, and religions. And while it affects everyone in society - not just the victim - there are some specific groups that seem to be more vulnerable than others. For example, young people often lack economic independence and face particular difficulties when they leave their abusers or confront them about their behavior.

The International Women's Day on March 8 is a time to celebrate the struggle for women's rights over the years, but also to remind ourselves that there is still much work to be done if we want this important cause to succeed. To commemorate this occasion, it is important to remember these words from Eleanor Roosevelt: You must do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't. At least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you acted according to your conscience. If people stand by you, so much the better. But as long as you have acted according to your conscience, what does it matter what others say? Do what you think is right and everything will fall into place. After reading this quote, I thought back to my life-changing experience with Boys Republic and felt grateful for the opportunity I had to explore my potential as a human being. While most girls at Boys Republic were free from harassment and experienced pure love in our community, I noticed how unfair the world was outside of Boys Republic; no where else did I see such brutality towards women like street harassment, sexism in media, slut shaming. In order to stop misogyny, we need to speak up against injustice. We need to be brave enough to make change happen in our communities because change starts with us!


Learn about sex trafficking

Sex trafficking is a serious human rights violation that affects women and girls all over the world. This type of trafficking occurs when someone is forced or coerced into sexual activity in exchange for money, drugs, or other forms of payment. Women's rights advocates have long fought for the recognition of sex trafficking as a human rights issue, and this issue has gained more attention in recent years. Despite this progress, however, much work still needs to be done to protect the rights of women and girls who are affected by this heinous crime. International human rights law recognizes these violations, and is an important tool in ensuring justice for those who are victims of sex trafficking. With continued awareness and activism on behalf of women's rights activists around the world, we can end this horrific practice once and for all. We must come together and acknowledge that without international human rights, women and girls will continue to suffer from exploitation, abuse, slavery and discrimination. We must never forget that it is our responsibility as global citizens to ensure that no one ever faces injustice because of their gender identity. International humans rights not only exist but must be protected if we want to see any change within our communities; otherwise they will remain forever vulnerable. In light of this reality, educating ourselves about how sex trafficking functions and what some possible solutions might look like could prove to be extremely beneficial. For example, through international cooperation we may have better luck combating illegal drug use - an often contributing factor to sex trafficking - which would also lead to decreased rates of HIV/AIDS among females. The UN defines human rights as rights inherent to every person, including but not limited to civil and political rights, social economic and cultural rights, collective economic, social and cultural civil liberties, equality before the law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that outlines basic fundamental principles concerning basic human freedoms such as freedom from slavery or torture. Although many people take these principles for granted today, many people do not know where they came from nor understand their full meaning. They are based on the idea that each individual deserves certain rights simply because they exist as a human being. Whether or not you agree with all aspects of the UN's definitions of human rights, there is no denying its importance in affecting significant changes around the world.


Learn about women in the military

Since 1948, the United Nations has recognized the importance of human rights for all people, regardless of gender. Women have made great strides in recent years, but there is still much work to be done to ensure that women enjoy the same rights and protections as men. For example, on December 18th, 2017 a group of female soldiers testified before Congress about their experience in the military with an ongoing sexual harassment scandal that became public earlier this year. They described how some men use their positions to threaten and coerce female soldiers into sex. The U.S Army reported 694 cases of sexual assault among active-duty personnel from 2010-2016, with only 10% being reported by victims or witnesses according to Newsweek. What’s more shocking is that one out of three female veterans report being sexually assaulted while serving their country according to NPR News. Female soldiers face more obstacles than just sexual assault - they also deal with unequal pay and training opportunities. In fact, a survey found that 64% of women experienced discrimination in pay during their service time. There are also many misconceptions about what it means to be female in the military; many believe it can interfere with family life because of deployment schedules or long hours. But these assumptions do not account for the fact that many members serve part-time or as reservists, allowing them to better balance work and family commitments.


Learn about gender equality

Gender equality is the view that men and women should be treated equally, with respect to rights, opportunities, and responsibilities. It does not mean that men and women are exactly the same, but rather that they are equal in worth and deserving of equal treatment. An important element of gender equality is achieving gender parity in positions of power and decision-making. Women must also have equal pay for work of comparable value, such as with skill level or complexity; however, there can be differences when women are taking care of children or providing elder care.

There is still a lot more to do on gender equality - it will require commitment from both sexes and all generations; communities need to change how we educate our boys and girls; the legal system needs reform to allow better support for survivors; changes need to happen within families so that more fathers take responsibility for childcare while mothers return to work - but we are making progress through education programs, governmental policies, social media campaigns and other initiatives. Let’s keep working together until every woman has an opportunity to reach her full potential!

Gender equality is important not only because it reflects fundamental human rights, but also because equal rights bring significant social benefits – especially when women play leadership roles in politics and business. As leaders make decisions about resource allocation, they draw on information provided by their citizens (such as contributions to UN Women). So improving women’s status can lead to better informed decision-making for people around the world—but there is still a long way to go before we achieve true parity between men and women in leadership positions around the globe.


Learn about education access for girls

Around the world, girls continue to face significant barriers to accessing quality education. According to UNESCO, as of 2018, there were still 132 million girls out of school. This is especially troubling because when girls receive an education, they have better health outcomes, can earn a higher income, and are more likely to participate in democracy and break the cycle of poverty. Additionally, educated women are more likely to send their own children to school and get involved in their communities. Women's rights are human rights, and ensuring that all girls have access to quality education is a crucial step in achieving gender equality. The Clinton Foundation has partnered with the Canadian government to launch Girls' Education Initiative (GEI) Canada, which seeks to increase enrollment rates for adolescent girls aged 15-19 by 50% over five years through a new Girls Education Index. GEI Canada partners with private sector leaders like Microsoft, whose CEO Satya Nadella recently joined the GEI Board of Directors. We applaud his leadership on this important issue. GEI Canada also relies on partnerships with public schools and community organizations to implement evidence-based programs that educate girls, promote healthy lifestyles, reduce discrimination, and build skills needed for future success. We're honored to be part of such a meaningful initiative. Learn more about our work in this area here or learn more about other opportunities to take action on behalf of global girls’ education


Keep learning

It is important to keep learning about human rights, because there are many violations that occur every day. Learning can help equip people with the knowledge and tools necessary to stop these violations. It can also help inspire people to work towards making change. Additionally, it is essential to learn about human rights in order to better understand the plight of others and show solidarity.

There are a variety of ways to learn about human rights. One way is to read books or articles on the subject. Another way is to attend workshops or seminars. Additionally, there are many online resources that can be accessed. Finally, it is also important to talk to people who have directly experienced human rights violations. This can help provide first-hand accounts and deepen your understanding of the issue. The final thing that can be done to continue learning about human rights is to practice everyday actions as if they were actions designed to support a cause. For example, by turning off electronics when not in use, one could lower their carbon footprint. Alternatively, by wearing clothes made from organic cotton you can reduce pesticides and contribute less waste into landfills. By practicing any small act like this you are demonstrating solidarity for all those fighting for human rights all over the world. Not only does this make you feel good about yourself, but it will make a difference. People living abroad might rely on imported products such as clothing. If you choose to buy locally produced goods instead, then local textile industries will grow and people working in them won't need to migrate elsewhere for economic reasons. When buying items such as coffee or tea in cafes, don't take a disposable cup. Bring your own reusable mug so that the cafe doesn't need to spend money disposing of garbage afterwards. To make an even bigger impact, advocate for affordable housing near public transportation options so that more people can get jobs without needing a car which would cause more pollution and traffic congestion. Join the fight! Sign petitions demanding accountability for human rights violations, donate to organizations dedicated to the protection of human rights, volunteer at local shelters and soup kitchens, vote for politicians who pledge themselves to upholding the tenets of international law, lobby your local representatives.

Sign petitions demanding accountability for human rights violations

Donate money to organizations dedicated to protecting human rights

Volunteer time at shelters and soup kitchens

Vote for politicians committed to upholding international law

Lobby your representatives

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